PC-23-14 (Waterstone Unit A Final Plat) Consider a request by Doucet and Associates, Inc, on behalf of DRP TX 3, LLC to approve a Final Plat, consisting of approximately 25.88 acres, more or less, out of the William Hemphill Survey, Abstract No. 221, generally located on CR 158 south of the intersection between CR 158 and Woodlands Drive, in Hays County, Texas (J. Cleary)
Meeting date: May 9, 2023
Department: Planning and Development Services
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: N/A
Account Number: N/A
Funds Available: N/A
Account Name: N/A
Fiscal Note:
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Vision San Marcos - A River Runs Through Us
Background Information:
The Waterstone development, previously LaSalle, was negotiated in 2014 through a development agreement and is located outside the City Limits. The Development Agreement requires compliance with Smart Code, previously Subpart C of the City's Code of Ordinances. A Preliminary Plat for Waterstone Units A-C was approved in January, 2022 (PC-21-41). Water and wastewater will be provided through a Retail Services Agreement with the City of Kyle and electricity shall be provided by Pedernales Electric Co-operative.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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