Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/7/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
630 E. Hopkins St. This will be an in-person and online meeting. To view the meeting please go to or watch on Grande channel 16 or Spectrum channel 10.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
Ord. 2024-60(b) 11. OrdinanceConsider approval of Ordinance 2024-60, on the second of two readings, amending Section 2.369 of the San Marcos City Code to add a representative from Caldwell County as a member of city’s economic development board (“EDSM”) and to designate the Mayor as the city’s ex-officio non-voting member on the board; providing a savings clause; providing for the repeal of any conflicting provisions; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Ord. 2024-61(b) 12. OrdinanceConsider approval of Ordinance 2024-61, on the second of two readings, amending Chapter 39 of the San Marcos City Code regarding flood damage prevention by adopting the preliminary map revision to the flood insurance rate maps, clarifying certain provisions and making revisions consistent with such adoption; providing a savings clause; providing for the repeal of any conflicting provisions; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2024-248R(b) 13. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2024-248R, approving a lease agreement with Becerra Corp., for the lease of city-owned property located at 201 South LBJ Drive; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute said lease agreement; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-01R 14. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-01R, approving On-Call Professional Services Agreements with Plummer Associates, Inc., Colliers Engineering and Design, Inc., Utility Engineering Group, PLLC, and Capitol Environmental for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Consulting Services over a period of five years in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 for each firm; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the agreements on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-02R 15. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-02R, awarding a contract to Action Target, a General Services Administration Certified Vendor, to install a total bullet containment trap at the police department’s shooting range in the amount of $643,800.00; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-03R 16. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-03R, approving an Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) (CSJ No. 0914-33-106) with the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) utilizing transportation development credits for the Thorpe Lane at Springtown Way Project; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute said agreement; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-04R 17. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-04R, approving a contract with Diamondback Landscaping & Lawn Care, Inc., through the Texas Interlocal Purchasing System Cooperative, to provide downtown landscaping annual maintenance in the amount of $87,070.00 for one year, with up to three one-year renewals for a total contract price of $348,280.00; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract and any renewals on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-05R 18. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-05R, approving a contract with Cannon Technologies, Inc., d/b/a Eaton for Yukon Software, to detect utility outages, generate timelier meter reads, and facilitate secure two-way meter communications for a term of one year, with up to four annual renewals, in the estimated annual amount of $79,960.00, plus a five percent cost increase for each yearly renewal, for a total estimated amount of $435,038.36; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-06R 19. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-06R, approving a contract with GTS Technology Solutions, through the Texas Interlocal Purchasing System Cooperative, for the purchase of software licensing and technical support for virtual infrastructure software for a term of one year, with the option to renew for up to two additional years in the amount of $122,880.00 per year; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
ID#25-007 110. Action ItemConsider approval of a request by Michael Delacruz, on behalf of Bird Dog San Marcos LLC, for a license agreement to allow a sign to be located within a public utility easement at 1701 South IH-35.   Not available Not available
ID#25-001 111. OrdinanceHold a Public Hearing and consider approval of Ordinance 2025-01, amending the City’s Development Code and associated design manual to, among other things, align terminology with the changes made through Ordinance No. 2023-71 which adopted the “Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan”; providing a savings clause; providing for the repeal of any conflicting provisions; and declaring an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2025-01, on the first of two readings.   Not available Not available
Res. 2024-252R(b) 112. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2024-252R, allocating to non-profit agencies Human Services Grant funding of $550,000.00 from the city’s general fund; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to act as the Official Representative of the city in matters related to said grant funds, including authorization to execute funding contracts with selected agencies on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
ID#25-010 113. Action ItemConsider an appeal by David Zhang of the Historic Preservation Commission’s decision on November 7, 2024, to extend a 90-day demolition delay period until April 1, 2025, for demolition of a structure at 734 Valley Street (Permit 2024-52642).   Not available Not available
ID#25-013 114. Action ItemConsider modifying the purpose of the Riverbridge Ranch PID Amendment Committee to allow broader discussions and possible recommendations by the committee regarding the Residential Incentive Policy.   Not available Not available
ID#25-033 115. Action ItemDiscuss and consider the City Council’s charge to Charter Review Commission regarding matters for the Commission to study and consider as the Commission conducts its periodic review of San Marcos City Charter; and provide direction to Staff.   Not available Not available
ID#25-024 116. AppointmentDiscuss and consider appointments to the Charter Review Commission; and provide direction to Staff.   Not available Not available
ID#25-041 117. AppointmentConsider the appointment of the Mayor or a City Council Member to fill vacancies on the following Boards or Committees: a. Alcohol Committee b. Homelessness Committee c. Main Street Advisory Board d. Parking Advisory Board e. Legislative Council Committee f. La Cima Council Committee g. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #5 - Downtown h. Notification Requirements Council Committee i. Convention and Visitors Bureau Board   Not available Not available
\ID#25-046 118. Executive SessionThe City Council will convene in executive session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code: 1. Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) and Section 551.072 (Real Property): To receive legal advice and deliberate regarding the possible lease of real property at 201 South LBJ Drive. 2. Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney): To receive legal advice regarding: a. possible amendments to the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Cost Participation Agreement and related out of city utility service requests; and b. possible settlement of all matters related to a request by Qualico Developments (US), Inc. for out of city water service to an approximately 306-acre tract of land southeast of the City.   Not available Not available
ID#25-047 119. Executive SessionConsider action, by motion, or provide direction to Staff regarding the following Executive Session items considered during the Work Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code: 1. Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) and Section 551.072 (Real Property): To receive legal advice and deliberate regarding the possible lease of real property at 201 South LBJ Drive. 2. Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney): To receive legal advice regarding: a. possible amendments to the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Cost Participation Agreement and related out of city utility service requests; and b. possible settlement of all matters related to a request by Qualico Developments (US), Inc. for out of city water service to an approximately 306-acre tract of land southeast of the City   Not available Not available