Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
630 E. Hopkins St.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID#25-113 11. Discussion ItemReceive a staff presentation regarding City Council priority needs for drafting the 2025-2029 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Plan and comment on the proposed renewal of the Citizen Participation Plan, and provide direction to the City Manager.   Not available Not available
ID#25-152 12. ResolutionConsider approval of an amendment to Resolution 2025-27R, approving an agreement for the provision of services in connection with the proposed owner requested annexation in Case No. AN-25-02 of approximately 63.578 acres of land, generally located between Francis Harris Lane and York Creek Road, approximately 1,200 feet east of the intersection between York Creek Road and Caney Creek Road in Hays County, Texas; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute said agreement on behalf of the city; setting a date for a public hearing concerning the proposed annexation of said tract of land; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-31R 13. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-31R, approving a fifth amendment to the Amended and Restated Interconnection Agreement with the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) Transmission Services Corporation to address new equipment additions in connection with upgrades to the Redwood and San Marcos substations; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute said amendment; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-32R 14. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-32R, approving the purchase of a 2025 Peterbilt 548 Series 10-12 yard dump truck from Rush Truck Center Austin, through the Buyboard Purchasing Cooperative, for use by the Parks Department, in the amount of $175,383.87; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute all appropriate documents to complete the purchase; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-33R 15. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-33R, approving the purchase of a new John Deere 775K Crawler Loader from RDO Equipment Co., through the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative, for use by several city departments, in the amount of $424,150.69; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute all appropriate documents to complete the purchase; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-34R 16. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-34R, approving the purchase of a 2025 International 3-yard dump truck from Kyrish Truck center, through the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative, for use by the Streets Department, in the amount of $100,339.50; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute all appropriate documents to complete the purchase; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-35R 17. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-35R, approving an Agricultural Lease Agreement with Michael Lehman for the lease of approximately 289.06 acres of city-owned land near the Surface Water Treatment Plant for a term of five years, contingent upon his timely submission of information required in the city’s invitation to bid; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the lease agreement on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-36R 18. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-36R, approving a release of a Wastewater Easement and a Drainage and Public Utility Easement located in the Stonecreek Crossing Development along Barnes Drive between Direct Drive and East McCarty Lane, such easements being no longer necessary; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the release of easement on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-37R 19. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-37R, approving an agreement with Tertia June Tucker Emerson providing for the city to purchase a 1.041-acre public utility easement and a 0.524-acre temporary construction easement located along Old Martindale Road, between the Blanco River and Old Bastrop Road, for a price of $125,000.00, plus associated closing costs, in connection with the Highway 80 merged projects 661 and 555; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute said agreement and associated closing documents on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-38R 110. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-38R, approving a modification to the Interlocal Agreement with Texas State University under which various research services and studies are provided to the city to extend the term of the agreement through September 30, 2030 for, among other services, conducting research regarding utility easements; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the extension and any task orders under the agreement within the city manager’s spending authority on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-39R 111. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-39R, designating San Marcos, Texas as a Bee City USA® affiliate; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute all required documentation on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-40R 112. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-40R, amending a funding agreement with Blanco River Regional Recovery Team (BR3T) allowing for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to be applied toward administration of a rental assistance program for residents of the City of San Marcos negatively affected by COVID-19 increasing the amount from $115,000.00 to a not to exceed amount of $250,000.00 over a two-year term with an option to extend; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the appropriate documents to implement the amendment on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-41R 113. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-41R, approving the reallocation of $28,546.35 in funds received by the City of San Marcos under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to support the recovery of the community from COVID-19; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute any related documents; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-42R 114. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-42R, confirming the City Manager’s appointment of Kathy Martinez-Prather and Karen Berns to the San Marcos Civil Service Commission; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Ord. 2025-04 115. OrdinanceReceive a Staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2025-04, adopting Youth Programs Standards of Care for 2025, providing a severability clause, providing for the repeal of any conflicting provisions; and declaring an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2025-04, on the first of two readings.   Not available Not available
Ord. 2025-05 116. OrdinanceReceive a Staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2025-05, annexing into the City approximately .81 acres of land, known as La Cima Entry Lot, in Hays County, Texas, generally located at the northwest corner of West Centerpoint Road and Ranch Road 12 (Case No. AN-25-03); including procedural provisions; and declaring an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2025-05, on the first of two readings.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-43R 117. ResolutionReceive a Staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing and consider approval of Resolution 2025-43R, approving an amended development agreement (Riverbend Ranch / Baugh Ranch / Riley’s Point) with HK Baugh Ranch, LLC, HK Riley’s Point, LLC, HK Real Estate Development, LLC, and Jack’s Reserve, LTD, for approximately 1,046 acres generally located between Old Bastrop Highway and FM 110, and between Redwood Road and the San Marcos River; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the agreement on behalf of the city; and providing an effective date; and consider approval of Resolution 2025-43R.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-44R 118. ResolutionReceive a Staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against proposed Resolution 2025-44R, regarding the approval of Blanco Gardens Neighborhood Area Plan, and provide direction to staff.   Not available Not available
ID#25-175 119. Discussion ItemHold a discussion regarding a request from the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District related to the waiver of stormwater fees paid for by the district, and provide direction to the City Manager.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-45R 120. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-45R, approving the award of a construction contract with Jerdon Enterprise LP for the Sessom Creek Bank Stabilization and Wastewater Replacement Project Phase 2 in the amount of $2,534,640.30; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Res. 2025-46R 121. ResolutionConsider approval of Resolution 2025-46R, approving the award of a construction contract to J. T. Vaughn Construction LLC, through the Omnia Partners Cooperative, for the renovation of leased space for use by the Municipal Court at 350 Barnes Drive, in the estimated amount of $2,465,000.00; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Ord. 2025-03(b) 122. OrdinanceConsider approval of Ordinance 2025-03, on the first of two readings, amending Section 2.024 of the San Marcos City Code, to increase the cumulative allowable amounts for certain city council expenses by $90,000.00 in the categories of council expenses elected and council expense and travel; including procedural provisions; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Ord. 2025-06 123. OrdinanceConsider approval of Ordinance 2025-06, on the first of two readings, amending Chapter 86, Utilities, Article 5, Fees, Charges and Billing Procedures, Division 1, of the San Marcos City Code to allow for the placement of a municipal utility lien on certain properties, other than homestead property, for which the owners have not paid utility bills and related city assessments; providing for the repeal of conflicting provisions; providing a savings clause; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Ord. 2025-07 124. OrdinanceConsider approval of Ordinance 2025-07, on the first of two readings, amending Section 2.172 of the San Marcos City Code to add local residency as a qualification to serve on the Parking Advisory Board; providing for the repeal of conflicting provisions; providing a savings clause; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Ord. 2025-08 125. OrdinanceConsider approval of Ordinance 2025-08, on the first of two readings, amending Section 2.231 of the San Marcos City Code to adjust the schedule of staggered three year terms for members of the Human Services Advisory Board; providing for the repeal of conflicting provisions; providing a savings clause; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
Ord. 2025-09 126. OrdinanceConsider approval of Ordinance 2025-09, on the first of two readings, amending Chapter 2, Administration, Article 2, City Council, Division 2, Meetings, of the San Marcos City Code to establish rules governing council member absences from meetings of external boards or commissions to which they are appointed; providing for the repeal of conflicting provisions; providing a savings clause; and declaring an effective date.   Not available Not available
ID#25-178 127. AppointmentDiscuss and confirm Ed Theriot as the designated representative of Caldwell County to the Economic Development San Marcos Board; and provide direction to Staff.   Not available Not available
ID#25-163 129. Executive SessionThe City Council will convene in executive session pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) of the Texas Government Code to receive legal advice regarding: 1. the matter of Whisper Master Community, LP vs. City of San Marcos, Cause No. 24-2917, filed in Hays County District Court and possible settlement of offer; and 2. matters related to various contracts for the City’s provision of emergency medical services.   Not available Not available
ID#25-166 130. Executive SessionConsider action, by motion, or provide direction to staff related to the following matters deliberated during the City Council’s Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) to receive legal advice regarding: 1. the matter of Whisper Master Community, LP vs. City of San Marcos, Cause No. 24-2917, filed in Hays County District Court and possible settlement of offer; and 2. matters related to various contracts for the City’s provision of emergency medical services.   Not available Not available