Consider approval of Resolution 2024-133R, approving a professional services agreement with Lopez Salas Architects, Inc., for city facility space planning and cost estimating services in the amount of $247,719.50; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the agreement on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: August 5, 2024
Department: Public Works // City Manager's Office
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $247,719.50
Account Number: C542; 50092412-70200
Funds Available: $247,719.50
Account Name: Project C542 - City Hall
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: City Council received a presentation on the Hopkins Gateway Project on July 2, 2024.
City Council Strategic Initiative: [Please select from the dropdown menu below]
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Background Information:
The proposed professional services agreement with Lopez Salas Architects, Inc. will provide Architectural/Engineering space planning and cost estimate services. This initiative will assist to determine the size and cost estimate for the new City Hall, as part of a larger project (Hopkins Gateway Project). The space planning will take into account current and future staffing needs. Staff anticipates this work to be completed in six (6) months.
These services do not include facility design; the design phase begins in the future using the resu...
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