Hold a discussion regarding creative designs to place on a new water tower in the Blanco Vista neighborhood; and provide direction to the City Manager on preferred design.
Meeting date: November 19, 2024
Department: Communications and Intergovernmental Relations
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: Estimated $40,000
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Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: There has been no prior council action on this item.
City Council Strategic Initiative: [Please select from the dropdown menu below]
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Background Information:
The Blanco Vista Elevated Storage Tank (EST) project has reached a key decision point regarding the aesthetic design and potential branding on the structure. Discussions between SMTX Utilities, the Engineering and Capital Improvement team, and the Communications and IGR Department have identified the opportunity for City Council input on the tank's exterior design, including options for a simple, elaborate, or potentially branded logo reflective of the City's identity. This project aims to align with community expectations and enhance local visibility, with a decision from Council anticipated to guide the final design direction.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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