Consider approval of Resolution 2024-143R, approving the Transit Asset Management (TAM) Plan and establishing fiscal year 2025 performance targets for the City of San Marcos Public Transit Services and vehicle assets in accordance with 49 CFR part 625; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: August 20, 2024
Department: Public Works - Transit
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $0.00
Account Number: NA
Funds Available: NA
Account Name: NA
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: Council approved initial TAM plan for FY 2024 targets October 17, 2023.
City Council Strategic Initiative: [Please select from the dropdown menu below]
Mobility & Connectivity
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Comprehensive Plan Element (s): [Please select the Plan element(s) and Goal # from dropdown menu below]
? Economic Development - Choose an item.
? Environment & Resource Protection - Choose an item.
? Land Use - Choose an item.
? Neighborhoods & Housing - Choose an item.
? Parks, Public Spaces & Facilities - Choose an item.
? Transportation - Multimodal transportaion network to improve accessibility and mobility, minimize congestion and reduce pollution
? Core Services
? Not Applicable
Master Plan: [Please select the corresponding Master Plan from the dropdown menu below (if applicable)]
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Background Information:
To maintain grant compliance with the Federal Transit Administration and 49 CFR part 625, it is a requirement for each direct recipient of federal funds to adopt a Transit Asset Management (TAM) plan and annual performance targets. Staff must submit these targets to Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) once approved.
The TAM plan guides the procurement, operation, inspection, maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of transit capital assets such as buses and facilities. The TAM plan also allows the city to manage assets' performance, risk...
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