Receive a Staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2025-05, annexing into the City approximately .81 acres of land, known as La Cima Entry Lot, in Hays County, Texas, generally located at the northwest corner of West Centerpoint Road and Ranch Road 12 (Case No. AN-25-03); including procedural provisions; and declaring an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2025-05, on the first of two readings.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
Department: Planning and Development Services
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: N/A
Account Number: N/A
Funds Available: N/A
Account Name: N/A
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: A service agreement was approved by City Council at the February 4, 2025, regular meeting.
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Comprehensive Plan Element (s): [Please select the Plan element(s) and Goal # from dropdown menu below]
? Economic Development - Choose an item.
? Environment & Resource Protection - Pro-active policies that encourage recycling, resource, and energy efficiency
? Land Use - Direct Growth, Compatible with Surrounding Uses
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Master Plan: [Please select the corresponding Master Plan from the dropdown menu below (if applicable)]
Vision San Marcos - A River Runs Through Us
Background Information:
The approximate 0.81 acres is located at the northwest corner of W. Centerpoint Road and Ranch Road 12/ Wonder World Drive. The property is within the boundaries of the La Cima Development Agreement and contains the entry feature marking the entrance into the area. The lot was platted in 2019, and the Development Agreement requires annexation upon platting. No zoning is proposed, and the zoning will r...
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