Consider approval of Resolution 2024-241R, authorizing the submission of a Taskforce Grant Application to the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority (MVCPA) for a grant in the amount of $177,401.00 to fund the establishment of an auto crimes unit within the police department, including the addition one full-time sworn officer and 10 license plate recognition cameras; authorizing matching funds in the amount of $35,482.00 toward said project; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute any and all documents as needed to apply for, accept, implement, decline, modify, or cancel the grant, if awarded; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: December 3, 2024
Department: Police Department
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $35,482.00
Account Number: GRANT-CITY MATCH
Funds Available: $35,482
Fiscal Note:
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Background Information:
The MVCPA Taskforce Grant Application and related Resolution were both approved by Council at the August 20, 2024 Council Meeting. Since then, the City was notified that it was selected for funding, and a Grant Award issued, which is also attached.
The funder, the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority, has now requested an ...
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