Consider approval of Ordinance 2025-03, on the first of two readings, amending Section 2.024 of the San Marcos City Code, to increase the cumulative allowable amounts for certain city council expenses by $90,000.00 in the categories of council expenses elected and council expense and travel; including procedural provisions; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
Department: Finance and City Clerk
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: FY25 Prorated amount: $45,000 ($90,000 annually)
Account Number: 10001102.543XX (Multiple)
Funds Available: $45,000
Account Name: Council Expenses Elected and Council Expense and Travel
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: August 16, 2022 - City Council approved Ordinance 2022-64 that combined City Council Compensation and City Council's policy for reimbursable expenses. December 3, 2024 - City Council directed staff to bring back an item for consideration that increases Council Expenses Elected and Council Expense and Travel. February 18, 2025, City Council discussed changes to the Council compensation and reimbursable expense ordinance and voted to table the ordinance.
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Background Information:
At the February 18, 2025 City Council meeting, there was discussion among Councilmembers that requested mino...
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