Consider approval of Resolution 2025-37R, approving an agreement with Tertia June Tucker Emerson providing for the city to purchase a 1.041-acre public utility easement and a 0.524-acre temporary construction easement located along Old Martindale Road, between the Blanco River and Old Bastrop Road, for a price of $125,000.00, plus associated closing costs, in connection with the Highway 80 merged projects 661 and 555; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute said agreement and associated closing documents on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
Department: Engineering & CIP
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $125,000.00 plus closing cost
Account Number: Project C571
Funds Available: Yes
Account Name: WWTP Improvements
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: May 21, 2024; Resolution No. 2024-83R Approval of the use of Eminent Domain for this project, if required
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Wastewater Master Plan
Background Information:
After successful negotiations to avoid eminent domain, we request authorization for city to authorize the agreement and pay the landowner $125,000.00 for the public utility easement and temporary construction easement that is required for water, wastewater, and recycled water improvements.
To provide a...
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