Consider approval of Resolution 2024-176R, approving a contract with Crowdriff Inc., for the Convention and Visitor's Bureau to promote tourism using short-form video content in the estimated annual amount of $46,400.00 with up to five one-year renewals for a total contract price of $232,000.00; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract and any renewals on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: September 17, 2024
Department: Rebecca Ybarra, Director, CVB
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $46,400 Annually
Account Number: 12024224-53110
Funds Available: Yes
Account Name: Advertising
Fiscal Note:
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Background Information:
CrowdRiff is a visual influence platform that inspires new and returning interest to travel brands. It will allow San Marcos Convention and Visitor Bureau to effectively discover and activate the most engaging visual content from the social web, while inspiring conversations around its brand. CrowdRiff will enable Customer to increase overall social and digital efficiency, activate its brand across seasons, and deliver real-time content through every marketing channel.
The Local Government Code, Section 252.022(16) permits an exemption from the competi...
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