Consider approval of Resolution 2024-163R, approving a list of Qualified On-Call Geotechnical and Materials Testing firms to provide services to the City on an as-needed basis for a period of five years, in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00 per firm over five years; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: September 3, 2024
Department: Engineering and CIP - Shaun Condor, Director (by Veronica Bradshaw, Purchasing Manager)
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: N/A; By Fund Allocation
Account Number: Determined as services are used
Funds Available: Determined as services are used
Account Name: Determined as services are used
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: 2018-127R - Approval of previous On-Call Agreements
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Background Information:
On May 16, 2024, the City received statement of qualifications in response to Request for Qualifications solicitation, 224-161 for On-Call Geotechnical and Materials Testing Services. These on-call services will be utilized for current and future capital improvements construction projects. A city-staffed Evaluation Committee evaluated proposals and has determined the following engineering firms to be the most highly qualified to perform these services. The following eight (8) firms are being recommended for award in an amount not to exceed $500,0...
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