Receive a presentation from Sunrise Rehab & Recovery dba Evoke Wellness San Marcos regarding provision of mental health services to persons referred by the police department.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
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Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: On December 3, 2024, Council increased the budgeted amount for Evoke Wellness from $99,000 to $150,000 for detoxication programs, residential treatment, and/or mental health services, all as an alternative to incarceration. This was funded by American Rescue Plan Act federal funds.
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Background Information:
In July 2024, the Police Department contracted with Evoke Wellness to provide services for mental health clients in furtherance of jail diversion. In December 2024, Council approved a funding amendment using ARPA dollars, bringing the total price of the contract not to exceed $150,000. During the December meeting, San Marcos Police Department employees Corporal Joe Osborne and Qualified Mental Health Professional Kelly Castillo answered questions relate...
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