Consider approval of Resolution 2024-229R, approving a Sales Contract with Hays County for the City's purchase of the Five Mile Dam Park property in the vicinity of Old Stagecoach Road and Five Mile Park Road, at no cost to the City, except for half of the closing expenses; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute said contract and all closing documents related to such purchase on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: November 19, 2024
Department: Parks and Recreation
Amount & Source of Funding
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Parks, Recreation, & Open Space Master Plan
Background Information:
On September 19, 2024, City Manager Stephanie Reyes provided Hays County Commissioners Debbie Ingalsbe and Lon Shell notice of the City's interest in Hays County transferring three Hays County properties totaling 77.5 acres and collectively referred to as the Five Miles Dam Park area. This area specifically includes: Five Mile Dam soccer fields (43 acres), Dudley Connaly Jay Park (16.5 acres) and Randall Wade Vetter Park (18 acres of riverfron...
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