CUP-24-63 (Texas Bean and Brew House) Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Niyazi Colak, on behalf of Texas Bean and Brew House, for renewal of a Conditional Use Permit to allow on premise consumption of Beer & Wine, located at 1328 N IH 35. (K. Buck)
Meeting date: December 10, 2024
Department: Planning and Development Services
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: N/A
Account Number: N/A
Funds Available: N/A
Account Name: N/A
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: N/A
City Council Strategic Initiative:
Comprehensive Plan Element (s):
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☐ Environment & Resource Protection - Choose an item.
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☐ Core Services
☒ Not Applicable
Master Plan:
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Background Information:
Texas Bean and Brew House received their first Conditional Use Permit in 2019, valid for 1 year. In December 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a renewal to their Conditional Use Permit, valid for 3 years.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
Staff recommends approval of CUP-24-63 with the following conditions:
1. Permit shall be valid for three (3) years, commencing on December 14, 2024, provided standards are met;
2. No speakers or live music shall be allowed outdoors or in other unconditioned areas; and
3. The permit shall be posted in the same area and manner as the Certificate of Occupancy.