Consider approval of Resolution 2024-190R, approving an On-Call Professional Services Agreement with Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., (LAN) to provide engineering services for the Purgatory Creek Improvements, Phase 1 Project in an amount not to exceed $3,281,773.35; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the agreement on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: September 17, 2024
Department: Engineering and Capital Improvements, Tim Wilson, Project Engineer
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $0 (on-call agreement)
Account Number: Accounts will be assigned by fund allocation.
Funds Available: Click or tap here to enter text.
Account Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: 2018-91R, Award of Contract - Preliminary Engineering $467,440 | 2019-250R, CIS - 30% Design $1,694,774 | 2022-85R, CIS - Archeological Field Work $65,906.25 | 2023-115R, CIS - Supplemental Engineering $825,756.35
City Council Strategic Initiative: [Please select from the dropdown menu below]
Mobility & Connectivity
Public Safety, Core Services & Fiscal Excellence
Environmental Protection
Comprehensive Plan Element (s): [Please select the Plan element(s) and Goal # from dropdown menu below]
☐ Economic Development - Choose an item.
☐ Environment & Resource Protection - Choose an item.
☐ Land Use - Choose an item.
☐ Neighborhoods & Housing - Choose an item.
☒ Parks, Public Spaces & Facilities - Collection of connected and easily navigated parks and public spaces
☒ Transportation - Multimodal transportaion network to improve accessibility and mobility, minimize congestion and reduce pollution
☒ Core Services
☐ Not Applicable
Master Plan: [Please select the corresponding Master Plan from the dropdown menu below (if applicable)]
Flood Protection Master Plan
Background Information:
The proposed on-call agreement for $3,281,773.35 with Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam, Inc. (LAN), will provide engineering design, bid, and construction phase services for the City of San Marcos (City) related to Phase 1 of the Purgatory Creek Drainage Improvements project.
This scope of work includes completion of the design for the Phase 1 improvements. This is a continuation of contract 218-307 which authorized Phase 1 design through the 30% design stage.
This project was identified as a need in the 2007 Flood Protection Master Plan which described Purgatory Creek as presenting “a significant risk to life and property downstream of NRCS Reservoir No. 5 due to flooding”. Additionally, the project scope includes construction of a shared use path which was identified as a proposed greenway trail in the 2019 Parks Recreation and Open Space Master Plan.
Construction costs for Phase 1 are estimated at approximately $40 million. Construction is expected to start in 2030, but city staff are pursuing grant funding to expedite the schedule.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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Staff recommends approval of this agreement.