Consider approval of Resolution 2024-172R, approving a Mission/Purpose Statement for the Joint City Council and Planning Commission Conditional Alcohol Use Permit Committee; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: September 3, 2024
Department: Planning & Development Services
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: N/A
Account Number: N/A
Funds Available: N/A
Account Name: N/A
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: This Committee was created by City Council in October, 2022. Councilmembers Baker, Garza, and Prather were appointed. Planning and Zoning Commission subsequently appointed Commissioners Kelsey, Meeks and Mendoza. With the election of Councilmember Mendoza, he was appointed to replace Councilmember Baker and Commissioner Garber was appointed to fill the P&Z vacancy in December, 2022 and October, 2023 respectively.
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Background Information:
In October, 2022 City Council specifically discussed noise and bottle service associated with businesses who serve alcoholic beverages and require a Conditional Use Permit. A committee was created as described above in “Prior Council Action.”
Since creation of the committee additional discussions have been held related to topics which could be discussed and addressed by this committee. These additional discussions include internal staff meetings and Planning and Zoning Commission meetings where the topics of cleanliness, outreach, and enforcement were identified as appropriate topics for this Committee.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
The Joint City Council / Planning and Zoning Commission Conditional Use Permit Committee met on July 23 and August 13, 2024. Per the City Council Committees Rules of Procedure the committee discussed and established the following mission / purpose statement.
“Consider what types of uses require Conditional Use Permits, with an initial focus on permits for on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages, and the associated processes, regulations, standards, and enforcement associated with Conditional Use Permits.””
This purpose statement expands beyond the topics of Noise and Bottle Service initially discussed at City Council, therefore the purpose must be approved by City Council through the Resolution process.
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See attached recommendation resolution which received unanimous support from the Committee.