Consider approval of Resolution 2024-232R, approving the award of a construction contract to The Pounds Group, LLC dba Sullivan Contracting Services, through the Choice Partners Contract Cooperative Purchasing Program, for site work prep, utility connection, conduit installation, and ADA sidewalk connectivity for the Dunbar Park Restroom project in the estimated amount of $143,101.44; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: December 3, 2024
Department: Parks and Recreation
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $143,101.44
Account Number: ARPA: E ARP-EC 6.1-PARD02-2022 12073326.56560: $40,832
Park Ops - Park Maintenance 10003171.53151: $102,269.44
Funds Available: $143,101.44
Account Name: Various
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: City Council approved Resolution 2022-149R approving $150,000 in ARPA 2nd Tranche for the Dunbar Restroom Facility.
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Background Information:
Pursuant to Local Government Code 271.102 which authorizes the City to participate in cooperative purchasing programs, staff recommends award to The Pounds Group, LLC dba Sullivan Contracting Services, Seguin TX in an estimated amount of $143,101.44; through the Choice Partners Contract #21/039MR-14 for JOC - IDIQ Construction. Choice Partners issued a Competitively Sealed Proposals, evaluated offers and selected The Pounds Group, LLC dba Sullivan Contracting Services based on best value.
City Council approved $150,000 of American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funding for the installation of permanent public restroom facilities within Dunbar Park on July 5, 2022.
This contract provides for the construction of the pad site, utility connections for water/wastewater and electric, conduit installation and ADA sidewalk connectivity related to the installation of the restroom facility.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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Staff recommends award of this work to The Pounds Group, LLC dba Sullivan Contracting Services in the amount of $143,101.44 through the Choice Partners Cooperative Contract.