File #: Res. 2025-46R    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Individual Consideration
File created: 1/31/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider approval of Resolution 2025-46R, approving the award of a construction contract to J. T. Vaughn Construction LLC, through the Omnia Partners Cooperative, for the renovation of leased space for use by the Municipal Court at 350 Barnes Drive, in the estimated amount of $2,465,000.00; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. CoSM Municipal Court Project - Proposal - 02.24.25, 3. Location Map of Proposed Municipal Court Lease, 4. Street View of Lease Location
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Consider approval of Resolution 2025-46R, approving the award of a construction contract to J. T. Vaughn Construction LLC, through the Omnia Partners Cooperative, for the renovation of leased space for use by the Municipal Court at 350 Barnes Drive, in the estimated amount of $2,465,000.00; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.


Meeting date:  March 4, 2025


Department:  Municipal Court and Public Works Department


Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required:

Account Number:  50092412-FY186-GENERAL-CASH-18000 - $1,994,830 //  50092412-70200-F2023-GENERAL-CASH-18000 - $470,170

Funds Available:  $2,465,000



Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: City Council approved a lease agreement for the lease of an office suite for the Municipal Court use at 350 Barnes Drive on November 6, 2024.

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Background Information:

The purpose of this item is to execute a construction contract for build-out of a new Municipal Courtroom and offices, to be located in leased office space at 350 Barnes Drive, San Marcos TX 78666.  The Municipal Court’s current lease at the Hays County Justice Center will expire on September 30, 2025.


Municipal Court Mission and Jurisdiction:

The City of San Marcos Municipal Court’s mission statement is:  To Impartially administer justice in a transparent and efficient manner that fosters public trust and confidence in the justice system. 

The City of San Marcos Municipal Court is responsible for the adjudication of all Class "C" misdemeanor laws established by State Law and City Ordinance within the territorial limits of the City of San Marcos.

Operations include conducting bench trials, jury trials, pre-trials, arraignments, hearings for juveniles, show cause hearings, and conducting parking hearings. The court also issues arrest and search warrants, capias pro fines, subpoenas, summonses, and collects fines and fees.

Implements compliance initiatives for individuals who fail to appear for court dates or who fail to pay/satisfy a judgment ordered by the court. Those initiatives include deputy marshals for warrant enforcement which includes a cooperative program with the Department of Public Safety to deny driver license renewals.


Municipal Court Goals:

                     Ensure access to justice

                     Ensure expedition and timeliness in case processing

                     Strive for equality, fairness and integrity in court operations

                     Ensure independence and accountability of the court

                     Foster public trust and confidence in the justice system


Municipal Court Lease History:

On September 17, 2013, City Council approved an Interlocal Agreement for Commercial Office Lease with Hays County for Municipal Court as a result of the City’s Municipal Court relocating to the Hays County Government Center. The initial contract was for 5 years through October 2018.


In 2017, City Council approved an Addendum to Interlocal Agreement for Commercial Lease which would extend the lease an additional seven (7) years.

In April 2022, Hays County sent notice to the City of San Marcos that they would not entertain another extension. Hays County will need all available Courtroom space for the growth in workload corresponding with the population growth in the County .  Hays County provided us with a termination date of September 30, 2025.


On November 6, 2024, City Council approved a lease agreement for the lease of an office suite for the Municipal Court use at 350 Barnes Drive. Our Public Works Facilities Team anticipates having improvements completed at the new lease space in sufficient time for the Municipal Court staff to move into the new lease space by September 30, 2025.


On January 21, 2025, City Council approved a lease addendum which allows a three-month extension to the current lease between the City of San Marcos and Hays County, located at 712 South Stagecoach.  The three-month extension will extend the lease with Hays County to December 31, 2025.


The three-month extension was pursued because the construction timeline is compressed for making improvements to the new lease space. The three-month extension is needed in the event there are unforeseen delays that are encountered. The 350 Barnes Drive facility was identified as a potential site in April 2024. At that time, the Public Works Facilities team initiated a space feasibility study which concluded in August 2024. From that point, the Public Works Facilities team then began preparing the architectural design, identifying timeframes to make the needed improvements and laying out the associated timeframes for completion. The construction timeline was completed in November 2024 and does not have any room for unforeseen delays.


Construction Contract:

The architectural design was completed on January 17, 2025 and was released to construction firms who have cooperative purchasing agreements.  Bids were received on February 24, 2025 and the staff met on February 24th to make the selection of the construction firm based on the price and the ability to meet the project schedule thereby providing best value to the City.


This construction contract is compliant through Texas Local Government Code Chapter 271 which authorizes the City to participate in cooperative contracts.  This contract is entered into through Omnia Partners cooperative contract number R200107 for Job Order Contracting in the estimated amount of $2,465,000.



Plan of Action:

With Council’s approval of the contract, Public Works department will manage the construction of the Municipal Courtroom and workspace on behalf of the Municipal Court.




Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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Staff recommends approval.