Discuss and confirm Ed Theriot as the designated representative of Caldwell County to the Economic Development San Marcos Board; and provide direction to Staff.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
Department: City Manager’s Office
Amount & Source of Funding
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Fiscal Note:
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City Council Strategic Initiative: [Please select from the dropdown menu below]
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Economic Vitality
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Comprehensive Plan Element (s): [Please select the Plan element(s) and Goal # from dropdown menu below]
☐ Economic Development - Choose an item.
☐ Environment & Resource Protection - Choose an item.
☐ Land Use - Choose an item.
☐ Neighborhoods & Housing - Choose an item.
☐ Parks, Public Spaces & Facilities - Choose an item.
☐ Transportation - Choose an item.
☐ Core Services
☐ Not Applicable
Master Plan: [Please select the corresponding Master Plan from the dropdown menu below (if applicable)]
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Background Information:
As San Marcos continues to grow, future business prospects will be located within the Caldwell County portion of San Marcos. It became apparent that a representative from Caldwell County was needed on the Economic Development San Marcos Board (EDSM) to give the County a voice for projects seeking to locate in that jurisdiction. In January 2025, Council adopted an ordinance to add a seat on the EDSM Board for a Caldwell County representative. That same month, the Caldwell County Commissioner’s Court nominated Commissioner Ed Theriot to serve on the EDSM Board. This item would confirm Commissioner Theriot’s appointment to the EDSM Board.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
On November 14th 2024, the Economic Development San Marcos Board (EDSM) voted to recommend to city Council a resolution to add a representative from Caldwell County to the EDSM Board. On January 7th 2025, City Council adopted Ordinance 2024-60 amending section 2.369 of the San Marcos City Code to allow a representative from Caldwell County to serve as a member of EDSM.
Council may vote to approve, deny, or postpone this appointment.
Staff recommends approval of this appointment as presented.