Consider approval of Resolution 2024-145R, approving a Subaward Grant Agreement with Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc., providing grant funding to the city in the amount of $299,722.00 for the city to conduct a tree inventory and canopy study that will develop a comprehensive Urban and Community Forestry Strategic Management Plan; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute documents necessary to implement the grant; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: August 20, 2024
Department: Parks and Recreation
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: N/A
Account Number: N/A
Funds Available: N/A
Account Name: N/A
Fiscal Note:
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Parks, Recreation, & Open Space Master Plan
Background Information:
The City of San Marcos has been awarded an Urban and Community Forest Grant through the USDA Forest Service as part of the Urban and Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act in the amount of $299,722. A match waiver has been granted so no match is required.
This grant funding will fund the development of a comprehensive Urban and Community Forestry Strategic Management Plan. The plan will serve as a framework for the City’s operations, establishing policies and procedures that enhance collaboration within the City while improving public tree management and actively engaging and educating the community.
The City has been granted a match waiver due to the designation of the majority of its service area as disadvantaged, as determined by various equity-focused mapping and screening tools. Examples of such screening tools are included below.
American Forests Tree Equity Tool:<>, and the Texas A&M Forest Service Urban Tree Canopy Tool: <>
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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Staff recommends approval.