Provide an update on the new City Hall and Hopkins Redevelopment Project, and discuss the creation and appointment process of a Hopkins Redevelopment Steering Committee; and provide direction to Staff.
Meeting date: September 3, 2024
Department: City Manager’s Office
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: n/a
Account Number: n/a
Funds Available: n/a
Account Name: n/a
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: n/a
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Background Information:
At the July 2, 2024 City Council Work Session, Council received a presentation on the new City Hall project, which has been renamed the Hopkins Redevelopment project to describe better the multiple elements of the project, including a new City Hall, a potential public-private partnership for the redevelopment of the land the City Hall complex is currently on, corridor improvements along Hopkins Street, and improvements to the civic corridor on the north side of Hopkins.
During the July 2 presentation, staff reviewed their recommendation for the creation of a temporary steering committee to provide guidance and support to staff regarding the Hopkins Redevelopment project. This agenda item provides additional background and recommendations for Council to consider.
At the August 5, 2024 City Council meeting the Council approved a comprehensive space planning study with Lopez Salas Architects for preliminary work on the new City Hall.
New City Hall Update: As the comprehensive space planning effort kicks off, Staff would like to confirm with the City Council the departments and functions planned to go into the new facility.
Hopkins Redevelopment Committee:
Committee Purpose: Like other temporary steering committees, the Council has utilized before, this group will serve in an advisory capacity and provide guidance and feedback to staff.
The role of the members of the Steering Committee include:
• Act as an advisory body to staff offering guidance, recommendations and feedback to staff as the project progresses
• Input should be provided throughout the process to share constructive feedback, representing individual perspectives as well as any groups
• Finally, as the project moves into the public engagement phase, members will be asked to promote the project and share their experiences within various community groups to which they belong
Please note that the Steering Committee is advisory only and does not replace the critical role the City Council plays in ultimately setting vision and making final decisions at key milestones of the project.
Since the Hopkins Redevelopment project should benefit the whole community, the committee should be comprised of a diverse group of residents of San Marcos. The ideal committee member should be invested in the future success of San Marcos, have the time to commit to attending regularly scheduled meetings on the project, and have sincere interest and participatory experience in projects of this nature.
Time Commitment: For the first 12-18 months, the group will meet every other month, with the first meeting slated for this fall. Members are encouraged to attend public engagement meetings and events associated with the project. Because this is a multi-year project, the time commitment may ebb and flow over time.
Recommended Committee Makeup: In order to maintain agility and efficiency, staff suggests the Committee be of a manageable size, and include a mix of community representatives and Councilmembers. The Council may want to consider representation from the nearby neighborhood, community partner organizations, and/or business leaders within the community.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
The Council is asked to provide direction to staff regarding the committee makeup and appointment process. Council may choose to make appointments in September.