File #: ID#23-544    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 8/9/2023 In control: Planning and Zoning Commission
On agenda: 8/22/2023 Final action: 8/22/2023
Title: Hold a public hearing and consider text amendments to the San Marcos Development Code to, among other things, address changes made in the 2023 Legislative Session, improve development processes related to development agreements, certificates of appropriateness, demolition by neglect, and parks and open space dedication, add clarity, correct discrepancies within the Code, and incorporate City Council direction for Code amendments including improved Historic District & Landmark Designation Criteria, increasing the Occupancy Restriction limit from two to three unrelated persons, creating a new business park zoning district, and making Waste Related Services a conditional use in all instances.
Sponsors: Amanda Hernandez
Attachments: 1. Code Amendments Presentation, 2. Development Code Redline



Hold a public hearing and consider text amendments to the San Marcos Development Code to, among other things, address changes made in the 2023 Legislative Session, improve development processes related to development agreements, certificates of appropriateness, demolition by neglect, and parks and open space dedication, add clarity, correct discrepancies within the Code, and incorporate City Council direction for Code amendments including improved Historic District & Landmark Designation Criteria, increasing the Occupancy Restriction limit from two to three unrelated persons, creating a new business park zoning district, and making Waste Related Services a conditional use in all instances.


Meeting date:  August 22, 2023


Department:  Planning & Development Services


Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required:

Account Number:  N/A

Funds Available:  N/A

Account Name:  N/A


Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: City Council provided initial authorization for these amendments at their regular meeting on August 1, 2023.

City Council Strategic Initiative:  [Please select from the dropdown menu below]

Public Safety, Core Services & Fiscal Excellence

Economic Vitality

Quality of Life & Sense of Place


Comprehensive Plan Element (s): [Please select the Plan element(s) and Goal # from dropdown menu below]
Economic Development - Choose an item.
Environment & Resource Protection - Choose an item.
Land Use - Choose an item.
Neighborhoods & Housing - Choose an item.
Parks, Public Spaces & Facilities - Choose an item.
Transportation - Choose an item.

Core Services

Not Applicable

Master Plan
: [Please select the corresponding Master Plan from the dropdown menu below (if applicable)]
Choose an item.

Background Information:

During this annual review and update of the San Marcos Development Code staff is presenting amendments which fall under the categories:

                     Compliance with State Laws

                     Process Improvements



                     City Council Direction

These amendments are summarized in the attached presentation and a redline of the Development Code is attached.


Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
Click or tap here to enter text.


Click or tap here to enter text.


Staff recommends approval of the Development Code amendments as presented.