Consider approval of Ordinance 2025-08, on the first of two readings, amending Section 2.231 of the San Marcos City Code to adjust the schedule of staggered three year terms for members of the Human Services Advisory Board; providing for the repeal of conflicting provisions; providing a savings clause; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
Department: City Council, City Attorney and City Clerk
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Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: At its February 18, 2025 regular meeting, city council directed staff to bring back an ordinance that adjusts the sequence of three year staggered terms of office for members of the Human Services Advisory Board to ensure that at least two members will be appointed annually.
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Background Information:
Section 2.231 of the City Code provides that members of the Human Services Advisory Board are appointed to three-year staggered terms, with four members being appointed in even-number years, and four members being appointed in odd-numbered years.
It was noted that appointments for other city boards and commissions provided for staggered terms on a schedule that ensures that an appointment or reappointment will occur annually. However, the current schedule under Section 2.231 results in having some years where no appointments will occur, including 2026. Council directed staff to amend then ordinance to make the appointment cycle for the Human Services Advisory Board consistent with what is in place for other boards and commissions by allowing for at least two members to be appointed annually.
The draft ordinance provides that, starting in 2025, two voting members and the non-voting member will serve for one year from March 2025, two members will serve two years from march 2025 and three members will serve three years from March 2025. All future appointments to fill vacancies under this staggered schedule will be for three years, resulting in staggered three-year terms that ensure at least two members will be appointed annually.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
Staff recommends approval.