Consider approval of Ordinance 2024-55, on the second of two readings, amending Chapter 82, Article 4, of the San Marcos City Code by adding a new Division 4 to authorize the issuance of tickets by mail for non-payment of parking fees within the City of San Marcos parks paid parking lots, by updating the parking violation fee schedule to include a Level 1 Violation for non-payment of parking fees within the City of San Marcos parks paid parking lots, providing for a procedure to exempt residents from payment of the parking fees, and including a sunset provision for renewal of the ordinance; providing a savings clause; providing for the repeal of any conflicting provisions; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: December 3, 2024
Department: Parks and Recreation / Public Works - Parking Management
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: N/A
Account Number: N/A
Funds Available: N/A
Account Name: N/A
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: City Council has previously provided direction to implement a three year paid parking pilot program in the City Park Parking Lot.
During first reading of the ordinance on November 19, Mayor Hughson suggested possible revisions to include the parking fees in the schedule of other City fees approved by City Council.
A revised ordinance showing the possible revisions as discussed by the Mayor is attached with the revisions highlighted in yellow.
If any member wishes to adopt the revisions, a motion may be made as follows: “I move to amend the proposed ordinance to add the parking fees to the schedule of other City fees periodically approved by City Council as shown [in the agenda packet] OR [on the screen].”
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Background Information:
As we continue the paid parking implementation process it is necessary to make amendments to Chapter 85, Article 4 of the San Marcos City Code by adding a new Division 4 to authorize the issuance of tickets by mail for non-payment of parking fees within paid parking areas, specifically City Park Parking lot currently.
The enforcement technology that is planned for that parking lot will alleviate the need for Parking Enforcement Staff to monitor the lot for violations in person. Instead, the lot will be monitored by stationary cameras that will capture a license plate as it enters and exits the parking lot. That information will be identified electronically by the enforcement system and verified by a City of San Marcos employee when a violation of non-payment is flagged. Upon review and verification by a staff member the enforcement system will prepare a citation and letter to the registered owner of the vehicle. Additionally, the Ordinance will adopt the fees associated with the City Park Paid Parking Pilot program.
This new Division 4 will be sunset on April 30, 2028, unless renewed by City Council which would be the end of the 3-year pilot program.
Staff is requesting approval of the Ordinance in order to proceed with implementation of paid parking within the City Park Parking lot.
A detailed memo regarding the City Park Paid Parking Pilot initiative is also attached for additional information.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
City Park Paid Parking pilot program has been supported by both the Parks and Recreation Board and the Parking Advisory Board.
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