File #: Ord. 2025-09    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Individual Consideration
File created: 2/26/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider approval of Ordinance 2025-09, on the first of two readings, amending Chapter 2, Administration, Article 2, City Council, Division 2, Meetings, of the San Marcos City Code to establish rules governing council member absences from meetings of external boards or commissions to which they are appointed; providing for the repeal of conflicting provisions; providing a savings clause; and declaring an effective date.
Attachments: 1. Ordinance
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Consider approval of Ordinance 2025-09, on the first of two readings, amending Chapter 2, Administration, Article 2, City Council, Division 2, Meetings, of the San Marcos City Code to establish rules governing council member absences from meetings of external boards or commissions to which they are appointed; providing for the repeal of conflicting provisions; providing a savings clause; and declaring an effective date.


Meeting date:  March 4, 2025


Department:  City Council


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Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: At its February 18, 2025 council meeting, council discussed bringing back rules governing council member absences from external boards or commissions to which council members are appointed.

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Background Information:

The proposed ordinance governing council member absences from meetings of external boards or commissions closely follows the rules in place for appointees to city boards and commissions.


As proposed, the voluntary absence of a council member from three consecutive regular meetings of an external board will result in automatic resignation of the member from the external board.


And, the voluntary absence of a member of an external board that meets quarterly from two regular meetings during a fiscal year of the external organization will result in automatic resignation of the member from the external board. The voluntary absence of a member of any other external board from more than 25 percent of the external board’s regular meetings during a calendar year will result in automatic resignation of the member from the external board.


As with the ordinance governing council appointees to city boards and commissions, an absence would be excused if the absence results from a medical reason of the member or a relative of the member, child care for a newly born or newly adopted child during the first eight weeks of the child's life, family emergency, or jury duty.


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