Hold a discussion regarding a request from the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District related to the waiver of stormwater fees paid for by the district, and provide direction to the City Manager.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
Department: City Manager’s Office
Amount & Source of Funding
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Background Information:
The City Manager’s Office received the attached letter from San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District Superintendent Cardona on February 24, 2025. We have notified him that this request will be added as a discussion item at the next available Council agenda.
In order to provide some additional backup, we have included a memo responding to numerous questions regarding the Stormwater Utility Fund and impacts the exemption would have on City projects and maintenance operations. The City is also facing a budget deficit, and the City Council has already shifted some of stormwater‘s obligation to the general fund. The memo also includes the amount of stormwater fees paid by SMCISD for the past five years. Also attached is the Ordinance from 2020 that changed the rate structure of the stormwater utility to be based off impervious cover for all customer classes.
Dr. Cardona has offered to be available for any questions when you discuss and consider this item.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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