File #: Res. 2025-38R    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Individual Consideration
File created: 1/31/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider approval of Resolution 2025-38R, approving a modification to the Interlocal Agreement with Texas State University under which various research services and studies are provided to the city to extend the term of the agreement through September 30, 2030 for, among other services, conducting research regarding utility easements; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the extension and any task orders under the agreement within the city manager's spending authority on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Modification to ILA extending Term, 3. TO4_2 - Proposed scope of work - Pending Approval, 4. TO4_1 - Texas State ILA- COSM_TO4 Easement Research Final - Fully Executed, 5. TO3 - City_of_San_Marcos_DocuSign_223-254_Cemetery - Fully Executed, 6. TO2 Texas State ILA - COSM_TO2 Non-Profit Capacity Building - Fully Executed, 7. TO1 - COSM ILA original -TexasState Homelessness - Fully Executed, 8. Vol 634, Page 818 Transfer, Assignment, Grant, Sale, and Conveyance of Easements to CoSM, 9. Vol 1324, Page 857 Correction Transfer, Assignment, Grant, Sale and Conveyance to CoSM, 10. Vol 1218, Pg 738 Water Easement to Elim & Access Easement to CoSM, 11. Vol 1344, Pg 515 Deed to from Elim to CoSM, 12. Vol 1344, Pg 517 Assignment of Easements to CoSM, 13. Vol 1344, Pg 519 Transfer of Easements to CoSM, 14. ExampleWorkProducts
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Consider approval of Resolution 2025-38R, approving a modification to the Interlocal Agreement with Texas State University under which various research services and studies are provided to the city to extend the term of the agreement through September 30, 2030 for, among other services, conducting research regarding utility easements; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the extension and any task orders under the agreement within the city manager’s spending authority on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.


Meeting date:  March 4, 2025


Department:  Utilities, Engineering & CIP, Information Technology


Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required:
  $62,329 Dollar amount is under the City Manager approval authority.

Account Number:  10001120-52305

Funds Available:  Yes

Account Name:  Contracted Services


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Background Information:

In 2021, the City entered into an interlocal agreement (ILA) with the Texas State University which provides a vehicle for the City to contract with Texas State University for support services.  This item is to request extension of the ILA with Texas State University to complete additional services.  Below are the activities which have been completed under the agreement thus far (the full task orders are also attached to this item):


                     Task Order 1: A Homeless Needs Assessment was completed to encourage collaboration among city and community partners.

                     Task Order 2: An environmental scan and developed training materials to help enhance area non-profits’ grant winning capacity.

                     Task Order 3: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was used to map Section N of the San Marcos Cemetery to identify potential unmarked historical burial sites.  A map and GIS data were also created as work products of this task order.

                     Task Order 4, Phase 1: Development of research and documentation procedures for historical utility easements.  Procedures were used to complete documentation of 17 historical easements to provide a cost proposal and timeline to complete Task Order 4, Phase 2.


The additional work to be completed through the ILA extension with Texas State University includes, but is not limited to, the following:

                     Task Order 4, Phase 2: Will use Phase 1 documented procedures to complete documentation of 393 electric easements received from the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) and 90 water easements from Elim Water Company, Inc.  These easements are associated with electric and water infrastructure that became the responsibility of the Utility department. The City does not have all the necessary details of the recorded easements in their GIS system or the boundaries of the easement areas. It is important for the City to verify each of these easements has been accurately documented to avoid future expenses of research which could cause potential project delays. Researching each easement requires looking at multiple databases and online sources of historical plats and maps, identifying any record anomalies, capturing links to relevant documents, and providing updated easement information in a usable format. This process can take several hours per easement. City staff do not have the time to complete this tedious and time consuming-yet very important-task.  This specific task is estimated at a cost of $62,329.


As the timeline for Task Order 4, Phase 2 will extend beyond the current expiration date of the Interlocal Agreement, we are requesting City Council approval of an extension of the ILA with Texas State University through September 30, 2030. This will allow for research related to utility easements associated with Phase 2, among other services. Additionally, to allow continual collaboration with Texas State University on future projects.


Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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Staff recommends approval of the ILA extension with Texas State University.