Receive a presentation regarding the DRAFT On-Street Paid Parking Implementation Plan, and provide direction to Staff.
Meeting date: November 20, 2018
Department: Community Services - Kevin Burke, Assistant Director
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: N/A
Account Number: N/A
Funds Available: N/A
Account Name: N/A
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: Resolution approving a contract with Kimley-Horn Associates for parking management consulting services on June 21, 2016.
City Council Strategic Initiative:
Comprehensive Plan Element (s):
☒ Economic Development - Diverse Local Economic Environment
☐ Environment & Resource Protection
☒ Land Use - High Density Mixed Use Dev. & Infrastructure in the Activity Nodes & Intesity Zones (supporting walkability and integrated transit corridors)
☐ Neighborhoods & Housing
☐ Parks, Public Spaces & Facilities
☒ Transportation - Multimodal transportaion network to improve accessibility and mobility, minimize congestion and reduce pollution
☐ Not Applicable
Master Plan:
Downtown Master Plan
Background Information:
In June of 2016, the City of San Marcos engaged Kimley-Horn and Associates (Kimley-Horn) to provide on-call consulting services related to the development of a Parking Program Implementation Plan along with specific technical memoranda on key topics such as mobile license plate recognition technology, transportation demand management (TDM), management and organizational structure, etc.
On May 15, 2018, Council held a Work Session with Kimley-Horn to review the consultants recommended parking organization and staffing plan, as well as a Draft Parking Program Framework Plan. The purpose of this agenda item is to adopt the Parking Program Framework Plan as a working document and a guide for the development of a comprehensive and strategic approach to managing parking in and around Downtown San Marcos.
On June 19, 2018, Council approved the "Parking Program Framework Plan" which provides a comprehensive and strategic approach to managing parking in and around Downtown SMTX, and established a template for future Council decision-making. The Framework Plan identifies key program objectives, recommended program vision and mission statements, as well as a set of primary action items to guide program evolution and development.
Primary Action Items:
1. Create & Empower Parking Management Organization
Adopt new program vision and mission statements and recommended parking program guiding principles. Hire a parking management professional and engage a parking management firm (at least for an initial 3‐year term). Create a parking advisory board and begin implementing parking management best practices.
2. Establish Parking Benefit District(s)
Create "Parking Benefit Districts” to encourage support for implementing on‐street paid parking by dedicating a percent of net on‐street meter revenue back to the districts in which they were generated. An ordinance should be developed to define the specific terms and conditions for the use of these funds and who controls their disbursement.
3. Invest in Parking Management Technology
Investment in new on‐street and off‐street parking technology. Recommended new on‐street parking meters can provide the parking program with improved management and system utilization data. However, simply having the data is not enough. It must be collected, tracked and analyzed for it to be of value from a planning perspective.
The DRAFT On-Street Paid Parking Implementation Plan provides Kimley-Horn’s recommendation regarding implementation of each of these three Primary Action Items.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action: