Consider approval of Resolution 2024-170R, awarding a contract to Innovation Interfaces Inc., for library operations and management software in an estimated amount $244,784.82 over the initial five-year term of the contract, up to five additional one-year renewals; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute all contract documents on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: August 5, 2024
Department: Public Library - Diane Insley, Director
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: ARPA: $40,850, TOTAL: $244,785 for initial five year contract term
Account Number: ARPA, 10003165-52395, and 10003165-52397
Funds Available: See below and attached
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Background Information:
The City of San Marcos City Public Library is seeking approval for a new Integrated Library System (ILS), which is a software product that manages all operations of a library. The software manages everything including library collections (database of bibliographic records and authority records), patron records, circulation, acquisitions and accounting, library events and room booking, patron notifications, and other online patron services such as the catalog. The current ILS contract has been in place for over 20 years but has not kept pace with current technology and is not meeting the Library’s needs in a few areas, including the need to maintain bibliographic authority control (library science). Our prospective new vendor, Innovative Interfaces Inc., offers a cloud-based service that streamlines library workflows and would allow us to cancel contracts with six third party service providers.
The implementation will be a one-time expense, $40,850.00, funded with reallocated funding from ARPA. The proposed ILS requires an annual subscription cost (approximately equivalent to our current subscription with TLC) of $39,938.47 per year for years 1-3. Annual subscription cost for Year 4 and 5 are subject to 3.5% increase, of $41,336.32 and $42,783.09 respectively. The total cost of implementation and five (5) years of ILS subscription is an estimated contract amount $244,784.82 for the initial five (5) year term of the contract. This contract may be renewed for an additional five (5), optional one (1) year renewal terms, with 5% escalation per year, for a potential additional five (5) year renewal total of approximately $248,000.00. The potential contract renewals will be covered with any annual budget increases from the City of San Marcos and contributions from the Library Operating Budged, 10003165-52405, Digital Material Subscription. The potential, ten (10) year cumulative contract is approximately $494,000.00.
This project has been in the works since Fall 2023 with funding lost in January 2024. Project owner and Purchasing & Contracting have consulted at length with Allen County Public Library (ACPL) in the State of Indiana, to determine interlocal agreement viability. Allen County Public Library has confirmed interlocal reciprocity. Please see related ARF File # 24-397 and attached ACPL competitive solicitation supporting documentation. Vendor, Innovative Interfaces Inc., has provided a quote with detailed Statement of Work. Implementation cost for the ILS will be a one-time $40,850.00 expense to be paid with reallocated funding from ARPA. As such, this project is time sensitive: ARPA funding has an encumbrance deadline of Dec. 31, 2024. Additionally, the Library is trying to avoid paying unnecessarily maintenance fees for the existing ILS. Current ILS contract renews in March 2025. From contract signing date, implementation of the new ILS will take approximately 6 months.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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City staff recommends awarding a contract to Innovative Interfaces Inc.