Receive a presentation from Sunrise Rehab & Recovery dba Evoke Wellness San Marcos regarding provision of mental health services to persons referred by the police department.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
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Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: On December 3, 2024, Council increased the budgeted amount for Evoke Wellness from $99,000 to $150,000 for detoxication programs, residential treatment, and/or mental health services, all as an alternative to incarceration. This was funded by American Rescue Plan Act federal funds.
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Background Information:
In July 2024, the Police Department contracted with Evoke Wellness to provide services for mental health clients in furtherance of jail diversion. In December 2024, Council approved a funding amendment using ARPA dollars, bringing the total price of the contract not to exceed $150,000. During the December meeting, San Marcos Police Department employees Corporal Joe Osborne and Qualified Mental Health Professional Kelly Castillo answered questions related to San Marcos citizens accessing these services. Additional questions were posed by Council, resulting in a desired work session. Evoke Wellness’ executive director will attend this session to address Council’s questions. It should be noted that of the funds originally budgeted ($150,000) only $19,000 remain.
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