Consider approval of Resolution 2025-45R, approving the award of a construction contract with Jerdon Enterprise LP for the Sessom Creek Bank Stabilization and Wastewater Replacement Project Phase 2 in the amount of $2,534,640.30; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: March 4, 2025
Department: Engineering /CIP
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $2,534,640.30
Account Number: C707 & HCP
Funds Available: C707 - $2,451,448.20 & HCP - $642,210.15
Account Name: Sessom Creek Restoration - Phase 2
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: Resolution 2017-121R - Final Design Contract / Resolution 2022-218R - ILA with TxST that requires the removal of Loquat in exchange for ROW / Resolution 2022-241R - Change in Service for design services related to the removal of Loquat
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Background Information:
On January 2, 2025, three bids were received for the Sessom Creek Bank Stabilization and Wastewater Replacement - Phase 2 Project IFB #224-002. Jerdon Enterprise, L.P. was the apparent low bidder with a total base bid of $2,534,640.30. Based on their qualifications and references, they appear to be qualified to perform the work of this project.
In 2013, the City hired the engineering firm RPS Espey to evaluate the condition of Sessom Creek from Canyon Road to Aquarena Springs Drive. In their report, RPS Espey identified several conceptual level solutions. The highest priority project, according to this report, is to relocate the exposed wastewater trunk main in Sessom Creek from N. LBJ to Canyon Road. The Edwards Aquifer Habit Conservation Plan (HCP) and the Engineering Department have teamed up to design and construct these repairs and other restoration work along Sessom Creek.
This project will continue the restoration work started in Sessom Creek Bank Stabilization and Wastewater Replacement - Phase 1. The project primarily consists of the following improvements:
• Replacement of up to approximately 1,700 linear feet of 8 to 12-inch sanitary sewer line along Sessom Creek from Canyon Road to Canyon Fork,
• Stabilizing Sessom Creek from Canyon Road to Canyon Fork to prevent sedimentation from entering the San Marcos River
• Removal of Loquat St; which improves water quality by restoring natural stream character and function
Total construction cost is $2,534,640.30. Construction is expected to begin in May 2025 and last approximately 12-18 months, depending on weather.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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Staff recommends this item for approval.