File #: ID#25-024    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Appointment Status: Passed
File created: 12/26/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/7/2025 Final action: 1/7/2025
Title: Discuss and consider appointments to the Charter Review Commission; and provide direction to Staff.
Attachments: 1. Charter



Discuss and consider appointments to the Charter Review Commission; and provide direction to Staff.


Meeting date:  January 7, 2025


Department:  City Attorney and City Clerk


Amount & Source of Funding
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Account Number:  n/a

Funds Available:  n/a

Account Name:  n/a


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Background Information:

Section 12.12 of the City Charter, below, requires periodic review of the Charter by a commission appointed by the City Council.

Sec. 12.12. Charter review commission.

Beginning in January 2013 and at least every four years thereafter, the city council shall appoint a Charter review commission of seven citizens of the City of San Marcos.

(a)                     Duties of the commission:

 (1)                     Inquire into the operation of the city government under the Charter provisions and determine whether any such provisions require revision. To this end public hearings may be held; and the commission shall have the power to compel the attendance of any officer or employee of the city and to require the submission of any of the city records which it may deem necessary to the conduct of such hearing.

(2)                     Propose any recommendations it may deem desirable to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Charter by the several departments of the city government.

(3)                     Propose, if it deems desirable, amendments to this Charter to improve the effective application of said Charter to current conditions.

(4)                     The commission shall provide a final report. The chair or designated member of the commission, shall report its findings and present its proposed amendments, if any, to the city council.

(b)                     The city council may take action to amend the Charter in the manner provided by state law.

(c)                     Term of office: The term of office of such Charter review commission shall be six months, and, if during such term no report is presented to the city council, then all records of the proceedings of such commission shall be filed with the person performing the duties of the city clerk and shall become a public record.

At the December 3, 2024, meeting, the city attorney gave a presentation regarding the process for periodic review of the City’s Charter and the appointment of members to the Charter Review Commission. City Council provided direction regarding the process to advertise for and solicit applicants to serve on the commission.


Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:


