Receive a presentation on the Texas State University 2025-2035 Campus Plan.
Meeting date: December 3, 2024
Department: City Manager’s Office
Amount & Source of Funding
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Account Number: Click or tap here to enter text.
Funds Available: Click or tap here to enter text.
Account Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: Click or tap here to enter text.
City Council Strategic Initiative: [Please select from the dropdown menu below]
Quality of Life & Sense of Place
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Comprehensive Plan Element (s): [Please select the Plan element(s) and Goal # from dropdown menu below]
☐ Economic Development - Choose an item.
☐ Environment & Resource Protection - Choose an item.
☐ Land Use - Choose an item.
☐ Neighborhoods & Housing - Choose an item.
☐ Parks, Public Spaces & Facilities - Choose an item.
☐ Transportation - Choose an item.
☐ Core Services
☐ Not Applicable
Master Plan: [Please select the corresponding Master Plan from the dropdown menu below (if applicable)]
Choose an item.
Background Information:
In mid-2023, Texas State University selected Page as their consultant to lead the revision of their Campus Master Plan. Their process began with discovery, followed by engagement and then planning. Both Mayor Jane Hughson and City Manager Stephanie Reyes were on the Texas State Master Plan Committee which met throughout the process and served in an advisory capacity. A draft of the plan was also presented to the City’s Directors in Spring 2024, and comments were provided back to the University.
The University requested to present a high-level summary of the process and recommendations to the City Council. A public preview of the plan is scheduled for Thursday, December 5 at 5:30 PM in the J.C. Kellam Ballroom. The plan will be presented to the University’s Board of Regents in early 2025.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
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