Consider approval of Resolution 2024-153R, approving an Interlocal Agreement between Guadalupe County and the city for joint funding of the Zorn Public Safety Radio Communication project in the amount of $760,000.00 funded by the city; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
LCRA will upgrade existing 10-Channel Multicast site at San Marcos Radio site to a 10-Channel Simulcast site.
• Utilize existing Infrastructure, including Shelter, Generator, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), and Antenna System
• Structural Assessment of San Marcos Radio Site
• Stage LCRA Emergency Communications Unit (ECU Mobile site) at San Marcos Radio Site during channel upgrade
• Install a 10-Channel Simulcast site and Antenna System at the Zorn Radio site
o Co-locate equipment on LCRA 320’ tower being constructed at this location to support LCRA critical needs
o Microwave addition between Zorn Radio site and San Marcos Radio site for increased transport redundancy and security
o Utilize existing LCRA Shelter and Generator
o Frequency Coordination
• Pricing is contingent upon the City of San Marcos providing fiber between the San Marcos Radio site and the Hays County CECC.
o If this fiber is not in place by December 31, 2024, LCRA will add a Microwave addition between the San Marcos Radio site and McCarty Lane Substation for increased transport redundancy and security.
o If LCRA installs the Microwave addition in lieu of fiber to be provided by the City of San Marcos, LCRA will invoice an additional $140,000 for the Microwave addition.
Meeting date: August 20, 2024
Department: Fire
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $760,000
Account Number: N/A
Funds Available: Click or tap here to enter text.
Account Name: N/A
Fiscal Note:
Prior Council Action: None
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Background Information:
Following the opening of Fire Station #6 (5716 S. Old Bastrop Hwy) in June 2023, Fire Department personnel immediately noticed and reported gaps in radio coverage at the fire station and in the service area around it, specifically when inside large structures such as Rodriguez Elementary School. We conferred with SMPD and San Marcos Hays County EMS and learned they were experiencing similar difficulties. We contacted LCRA who conducted multiple analyses and found that the overall radio coverage in the southeast portion of our city is poor due to a lack of radio tower coverage in that area.
LCRA was asked to study the situation and propose solutions. Several options were put forth and discussed, but the most beneficial, most cost effective and obvious solution was to construct a tower at what has become known as the “Zorn” location. Initially, cost estimates exceeded $4M. As LCRA conducted further analysis they realized they (LCRA) could also benefit from the construction of this tower, so they offered to construct the 320’ tower on land they already owned, thus saving the city the cost of purchasing land and constructing our own tower. This brought the cost down to $1,520,000.
Next, we opened discussions with Guadalupe County who would also benefit from this tower and found they were also experiencing communications difficulties in their adjacent service area and were agreeable to cost sharing at 50/50. Guadalupe County is planning to fund their portion with ARPA grant funding. To expedite the process and streamline payments, Guadalupe County has agreed to pay their half, $760,000 to the COSM by the close of business on September 27, 2024, and the COSM will be invoiced by LCRA for the full amount of the funding agreement, $1,520,000, as work on this LCRA project is completed.
Pricing is contingent upon the City of San Marcos providing fiber between the San Marcos Radio site and the Hays County CECC.
If this fiber is not in place by December 31, 2024, LCRA will add a Microwave addition between the San Marcos Radio site and McCarty Lane Substation for increased transport redundancy and security.
If LCRA installs the Microwave addition in lieu of fiber to be provided by the City of San Marcos, LCRA will invoice the city an additional $140,000 for the Microwave addition. That would bring the City’s portion to $900,000 instead of $760,000.
This item is to approve both the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between Guadalupe County and the City of San Marcos, as well as the funding contribution to LCRA for construction and installation per the attached proposal. Work will begin immediately after this proposal is executed and is expected to end on or before December 31, 2026.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
Staff recommends approval of this interlocal agreement and funding agreement.