Consider approval of Resolution 2025-04R, approving a contract with Diamondback Landscaping & Lawn Care, Inc., through the Texas Interlocal Purchasing System Cooperative, to provide downtown landscaping annual maintenance in the amount of $87,070.00 for one year, with up to three one-year renewals for a total contract price of $348,280.00; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract and any renewals on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.
Meeting date: January 7, 2025
Department: Rebecca Ybarra, Director of Destination Services
Amount & Source of Funding
Funds Required: $87,070 Annually
Account Number: 14063256.52230
Funds Available: Yes
Account Name: TIRZ#5
Fiscal Note:
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Background Information:
This contract is for regular weeding, seasonal cutbacks, bed mulch upkeep, irrigation maintenance and plant replacement. Cooperative Purchasing Program Contract TIPS #23010401 in the annual amount of $87,070 with three (3) anticipated renewals to be awarded administratively in the form of an Authorization of Change in Service. Annual renewals will be contingent upon mutual agreement between the vendor and the City.
Diamondback Landscaping & Lawn Care is on the TIPS Cooperative Purchasing Program Contract #23010401; therefore, a formal solicitation process did not take place. Diamondback Landscaping & Lawn Care is a local vendor based in San Marcos.
The contract will provide annual maintenance for all downtown landscaping beds in the public Right of Way. This includes beds on the four sides of Square (City right of way), N. LBJ Drive, Hutchison Street, N. CM Allen Parkway, and the Downtown Mobility Hub. The maintenance work includes removal of weeds (18x/year), seasonal cutbacks (2x/year), mulching (1x/year), and irrigation maintenance (as repairs are needed).
This is the first comprehensive landscaping maintenance contract for downtown. Currently, the Downtown team, assisted by Community Enhancement staff, maintain priority areas of downtown landscaping with the help of volunteer organizations and occasionally other departments. This contract will provide routine, broad spectrum landscaping maintenance for downtown at a higher level of service than staff are currently able to provide.
The Downtown TIRZ #5 Board has approved funding for Downtown maintenance and landscaping operations since 2022. Examples of funded projects include hiring full-time temporary downtown maintenance staff, sidewalk cleaning, tree trimming, on-call contract for emergency repairs, and landscaping maintenance. The TIRZ #5 Board approved funding for downtown landscaping maintenance at its October 7, 2024, meeting.
Council Committee, Board/Commission Action:
The TIRZ #5 Board approved funding for downtown landscaping maintenance at its October 7, 2024, meeting. The Downtown TIRZ #5 Board has approved funding for Downtown maintenance and landscaping operations since 2022. Examples of funded projects include hiring full-time temporary downtown maintenance staff, sidewalk cleaning, tree trimming, on-call contract for emergency repairs, and landscaping maintenance.
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Recommend award to Diamondback Landscaping & Lawn Care for Downtown Landscaping Annual Maintenance in the estimated annual amount of $87,070.00 and authorizing three one-year additional renewals for a total contract price of $348,280.00.